Cyclist Safety

Dangerous Speed Humps at North Head

Manly NSW Australia

Speed humps were installed by NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) at North Head several years ago to slow motor vehicle traffic and help protect long-nosed bandicoots.

But the speed humps pose an unacceptable hazard for cyclists who use the road for recreation and exercise.

Cyclists are forced to either negotiate the speed humps directly - at risk of personal injury and bicycle damage - or go around them. But the edges of the speed humps are very narrow and poorly maintained (see pictures). This can force cyclists dangerously onto the wrong side of the road in a further effort to avoid them.

The speed humps at North Head are unsatisfactory for cycling. According to Austroads:

  “Flat-top road humps with ramps of 1:15 to 1:20 relative to

   the gradient of the road are generally regarded as ‘bicycle

   friendly’. Side slopes across the line of travel should not be

   severe. Transitioned ramps (e.g. sinusoidal humps) are

   recommended (Webster & Layfield 1998).”

But the North Head speed humps pictured above are less than 1:6 (8cm:45cm). They are short, sharp, steep hazards for cyclists. And the gaps each side are woefully inadequate - the example above being only 15cm from hump to dangerous edge.

They should therefore be removed in favour of a cycle-safe alternative.

Strategic Recommendations

That .....

1. NPWS replace the dangerously short, sharp, steep, bicycle

    unfriendly speed humps at North Head with bicycle friendly

    speed humps that conform with Austroads standards.

2. Manly Council liaise with NPWS until the problem is


Click Here

and send these Strategic Recommendations

to NPWS & Manly Council.

A better speed hump for cyclists